
Please search through radar units & COs active from 1937 to 1947 below.

Unit Title: Radar Station
Equipment Type: Mobile ENG Mk V GCI
Disbandment Order: AFCO B448/45

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Significant Events
  1. Radar mounted on International Trucks
  2. CO appeared already ill at Ash Island.
  3. Loaded at Hexham NSW
  4. Convoy travelled via Singleton, then Putty Road to Windsor ast 20mph. After refuelling, trucks moved to Rose Bay.
  5. Equipment transhipped to MV Koolinda
  6. Personnel disembark and lodge with 314RS
  7. Radar sited near 31RS
  8. Radar trucks were turned over
  9. Radar set up for test and calibration prior to visiting other areas for site testing
    NW Cape Location: 21d28m00sS 114d06m00sE

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